Syed Ahrar Fazal

Qualified Teacher

Bachelors | Masters

Contact Ahrar


A Driven Entrepreneur, successful at developing operational areas, outlining business plans, and effective company cultures. Innovative and strategic leader with a successful history of operating in complex, chaotic environments and achieving dramatic results. I believe in evaluated and revised lesson plans and course content that facilitate and moderate classroom discussions and student-centered learning. Assisting struggling students to maintain progress levels by designing individualized lesson plans focused on areas for improvement has always been my forte. In 2020, I networked with other educators to promote awareness of advanced teaching practices and development of 21st Century skills.


Most Recent:
SZABIST – Bachelors in Entrepreneurship


Data Analytics - University of Colorado

Digital Marketing - University of Illinois

Tutor's Introduction

A young and enthusiastic individual who is seeking to leverage the technical and professional expertise to grow professionally in the roles allotted.

Karachi, Pakistan

Can teach online

Can teach at Student's residence

Can do academic projects

Can teach students in these areas:

  • Clifton
  • North Nazimabad
  • FB Area

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